April 2nd 2015 - April 12th 2015
At last you came ! The day you arrived everybody was asking, "have they arrived yet ?"" where are they ?"" Have you seen them ? ".
Your coming to our school, le lycée Colbert was a true event and very exciting, we hope you had the best time in Paris meeting your French pen pals and with your French families too.
Merci encore aux families d'accueil et à leurs enfants pour leur disponibilité, et leur gentillesse - Thank you so much to all the French families and their children ( Servet (1°L1), Hagar (201), Nathan (201), Siméon (208), Ethel (209), Sophia (1°L2), Laetitia (1°S1), Selen (1°S1), and Emilie Term S2)) who welcomed our Chicagoans pen pals in their homes. We are very grateful for dedicating your time to them and we appreciated your kindness and generosity .
Thank you to Madame Brochard, our Principal and all the teachers of the lycée Colbert who accepted the American students in their classes.
This is for all our guests, Mrs Byrd their French teacher and Mrs Macdowell, Mr Byrd who accompanied Jaylah, Nicole, Deja, Micah, Malik, Araceli, Kaitleen, Dara and jordan.
Let's start by the beginning: (a bit jet lagged, weren't you Jordan ?)
Friday morning April 3rd at 8:15 am
Report by Simeon (208):
After this first meeting with us, our pen pals followed us to different courses. Jordan was in class with me but he was bored because he understood nothing of what the teacher was explaining. Jordan and Malik were in my class and the other pen pals were in other classes with their pen pals.
After class Jordan joined his friends, they we hungry so they went directly to the lunch room. They waited in the stairs and finally they came into the canteen. They ate with us, there was couscous. All the American students said the food was really good. It was really funny !
Report by Emma (208)
Friday morning, the American pen pals came with us at 9:10 am to attend different classes. I think they did not understand because the teachers were speaking too fast.
Then they ate at the canteen. They were very happy because the food was good they said.
The next Wednesday morning they came with us again in class , it was fun. They also ate at the canteen.
with the 207- 208- and 209.Chez Madame Brochard, Proviseure du lycée Colbert.
The whole Chicago team in the Principal's office of the lycée Colbert, Madame Brochart to give her gifts from King College Prep High School.
Mme Brochard, Proviseure du lycée Colbert et Madame Byrd Professeur de Français du lycée King.
Mrs Brochard, head of the French Colbert High School and Mrs Byrd, French teacher at King College Prep High School.
The students of King College Prep High School discovering the photos of the history of the lycée Colbert
Meeting with the Mayor of the 10th district of Paris, Mr Rémi Féraud, with Mr Stéphane Bribard, member of the District Council in charge of economic development and employment (as well of Colbert School Board) and with Mr Eric Algrain District Deputy of the Tenth District (in charge of culture and of the schools ' district ).
Report by Ilona and Elvire (208)
On Friday April 3rd 2015, the American pen pals went to the city hall with us. Some French students took the subways whereas the American students walked (in the rain). First we waited in the hall and then we sat to listen to the Mayor's speech. After the Mayor's welcomed us, Jordan gave a photograph of Chicago to the Mayor. The Mayor gave a book of the 10th District history to Mrs Byrd. Then we ate some cookies and drank soda, we also had a guided tour with a historian Mr André. He showed us paintings representing the 5 senses. It was an amazing day !
Report by Médine, Léa, Uzan (203):
Then in the conference room, the Mayor talked about the story of the
10th district of Paris, our English teacher translated what was said for the American pen pals. At the end of the speech they exchanged gifts. At the end we did a guided tour of the city hall.
The gift given by Jordan from King College Prep High School to the Mayor of the Mairie du 10ème arrondissement.
Mrs Byrd, Mr Bribard, Mr Féraud, the Mayor, Mr Aldrain and the Historian Mr André.
Dara, giving the letter of the Mayor of Chicago to the Mayor of the 10th District of Paris, Mr Féraud, in honor of the twinning between our high schools in Chicago and Paris, in honor of our cities, Paris and Chicago, as well of our countries.
Visite in the wedding room of the city hall.
Monday afternoon April 6th 2015.
At the Canal St Martin , walk in the 10th District.
Place de la République
Dance party place de la République
Wednesday April 8th 2015
Tous à la cantine de Colbert !
On a faim !